Thursday 12 July 2012

End of year exhibition at Kensington and Chelsea College

Thank you to everyone who came to our end of year exhibition at Kensington and Chelsea College.  

'Handle with Care' (below) was my piece for the final major project.
Ceramics, wood and MDF found display case, wood, jute string

Women’s bodies and chrysalises go through irreversible changes during a child’s and butterfly’s development and birth. The Chrysalis is left as an empty shell when the butterfly has formed and flown away. The woman’s body is also a changed vessel, although it regenerates and reknits. ‘Handle with care’ is an instruction to the viewer and but it is also an invitation to consider the perception of women and their integral role in containing and creating new life.

 'Period Treasures' entered in the V&A Inspired By... competition
Ceramics, satin fabric, velvet ribbon, acrylic ribbon, padding, card, crochet yarn.

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